i cant believe how much i've learned in one year of college.
i also cant believe i'm a sophomore in college. like what the?! i feel like i just graduated from high school. leaving home and starting over somewhere new is really hard. i miss high school. i miss all my friends from high school. i miss not having to worry about money. i miss playing sports! and i just miss fruitland, idaho.
butttt i am so glad that i'm in college. and that i went through the transition from high school to college. i have already learned so much. i've learned about life. i've learned so much about my major. i've strengthened my testimony. and i've learned random facts through all the stupid generals i have to take. i feel like i've already learned so much about being a mother too. i dont know how people do it without going to college!
this year has been hard. i went through a lot and had a hard time. but i am so thankful for everything that i went through. i learned so much this year. and i am excited to keep on learning.
i didn't want to go to college my senior year of high school. i hate school and struggle a lot academically. but i am so thankful for my mom who pushed me to apply. i love BYU and am so thankful for this college where i have a chance to learn and strengthen my testimony.
i love college and am so thankful for the opportunity to be going to BYU.