Monday, January 30, 2012

random things about me.

i just thought it'd be fun to list random facts about me. i did this once on my other blog and thought it'd be fun to do again.

so here it goes:
- my favorite color is pink.
- i love anything to do with things that are pink and sparkly.
- i'm 4' 11'' and 3/4 inch tall. (idk if thats how you type it?) almost 5 foot! yes i'm very short.
- i weigh less than 100 pounds.
- i love justin bieber, taylor swift and adele. i could listen to them for foreverrrr.
- i love my big family and want to have a big family of my own some day.
- i loveeee soccer and tennis. and miss playing them in high school.
- i love socks. i have 40 pairs of them.
- i am always cold.
- i really dont like eating.
- my favorite movies are despicable me and the notebook.
- i love watching tv which you learned in my earlier post.
- i love having so many sisters.
- i'm very shy. but cannn be crazy if i'm around people i know well.
- i want to get married in the salt lake temple.
- i dont want to turn 20 this year. that means i'm not in the "teens" anymore. thats way to scary for me. haha
- i love TOMS. they are the most confortable shoes out there.
- my favorite outfit; leggings or skinny jeans, flats or TOMS, a cute shirt with a cardigan, and a bow in my hair.
- i loveeee summer. and tanning!!
- i like to run.
- i dont eat healthy at all. i'm working on that one.
- i would love to travel the world.
- i love little kids.
- my major is early childhood education. and i want to be a preschool teacher.
- i like reading if its a good book.
- i love sleeping. i sleep every chance i get.
- a perfect day for me would be sleeping in and just spending the whole day on the beach in McCall, Idaho tanning it up! with my friends and family.
- i dont wear high heels or jewelry.
- i love the gospel and am so thankful for it in my life.
- sometimes i wish i was in high school still.
- growing up scares me.
- i cant wait to be married to the man of my dreams.
- i love looking at peoples blogs.
- i love Pintrest.
- i love long hair.
- i won state in soccer and tennis.
- i love taking pictures.
- even though growing up scares me i think about the future a lot.
- i'm always counting down to something.
- i love being a triplet.
- i always need someone with me. i hate being alone.
- i've dated one guy and kissed one guy.
- i love to curly my hair.
- i like to smile.
- i hate spiders.
- i love pancakes. with chocolate chips, butter, peanut butter and syrup! haha

wow. that was super long. i doubt anyone will read all of that. but that was fun. haha

Friday, January 27, 2012


well i have so much spare time on my hands this semester that i have been watching many many tv shows. i'm not going to tell you how many because lets be honest, its embarrassing. but i sure do love tv. my favorite show that i am watching is revenge. it is seriously so so good. always keeps you hanging and is so intense. you guys should all watch itttt. and then a show i just started to watch is Touch. the first episode was really good. and of course Jack Bauer, i mean Kiefer Sutherland is in it which adds a huge plus. i sure do miss 24! that was such a good tv show. but i'm glad he is in another show.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I'm going home spring/summer. and i can not waitttt!! i get to have a summer this year. i plan to get a job and save up for a car. but i cant wait to be home with my family and friends all summer. just 13 more weeks! :) i can do ittttt.


skype is seriously the greatest thing ever. every sunday me and Karli skype the family. we seriously skype them for like 2 or 3 hours. i loveeee itttt!! it makes my day. they all have different stories about their week and i love it. kade loves to talk on the chat thing and do the weird things that the webcam does. its very entertaining. hannah has a million stories which i love. claire tells us all about her week. and everyone else just tells us random things which i love. and the greatest thing is when they fight over us because they want to talk to us. it makes me feel loved! :) haha but i sure do love my family and miss them so so much!!

and yes we do skype the rest of the family besides kade and claire i just dont take pictures when we do skype them. i just forget! hahah

pretty funny tho. gives me a good laugh.

Friday, January 6, 2012

new year.

well 2011 you were good to me. i learned a lot. went through a lot. and i've grown up! its so weird to think that last christmas i was still in high school! this whole growing up thing is still weird to me.

but now for 2012. i'm excited for you. i have new goals and new things that are going to happen this year. and i'm excited. i'll be turning 20 this year! super weird. james is going to be going to college hopefully somewhere up here in utah this year. can. not. wait. i'll be in my second year of college! great. and many other fun things i'm sure will happen.

i love new years because it gives me a chance to start over and become a better person. and thats exactly what i'm going to do. so we will see how it goes.

bring it on 2012.


after an amazing break i'm back to reality and at school again. i'm not working at the preschool this semester because its a class and it was full. i am soooo sad about this. i lovedddd it last semester and i'm sure going to miss those kids.

i'm taking all but one class this semester with karli which is so so great.

and now for the sucky part. i am so bored through out the day. every day from 12-4 i have a break because i left it open for the preschool but now that i'm not working there i am so bored. its a problem. so if anyone has an suggestions of fun things to do. let me know!

me and kar bought a bus pass this semester and wow am i glad! its so nice not having to walk to campus.

and last but not least the weather has been so nice here! like its not winter. it feels like spring semester. and i'm not complaining! i loveeee itttt!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


my christmas was so so great this year. we started christmas eve by playing basketball in the morning. that sure was great. we have a whole team so it works out well! then we played games the rest of the day until the schedule of christmas eve started. my mom always plans many fun things to do like playing "SANTA" which is bingo, everyone playing the instruments that they play, singing christmas songs, watching good christmas videos, acting out the nativity, and watching the Luke 2 video (which is so so good), putting glitter on our front porch so that santa comes the next day, putting out stockings out, and then all the kids sleeping in the same room and watching the grinch. christmas eve was so so fun. it was great to spend time with family and remember the birth of jesus.

all of us sleeping together.

putting the glitter out on our front porch.
pretty sweet picture i'd say.

me and kade! sure is a cute boy.
me and claire with our glitter!
acting out the nativity! the whole group.

mary and joseph.

mary and baby jesus
the wise men!
me and deanna!
me and em. haha i look scary.

christmas was so so great this year. we all came down at 6 in the morning to find out that santa had come! yes. haha so we all opened our big gift and our stockings. i got UGG boots. i was sooooo happy!! those are the greatest things everrrr. then it was time to get ready for church. church was so so good. i'm so glad that i got to start my christmas with remembering the true meaning of christmas. we had good singers and some narrators talk about the birth of christ. then after church we had a huge christmas breakfast which was so so good! then after breakfast it was time to open alllll the presents. it was just such a fun day to spend with my family and open presents. i got so many wonderful things and i'm so thankful for my parents who work so hard in getting us the right gifts! i loved everything i got.

in our family we go from youngest to oldest in opening presents. we watch everyone open them and wait for our turn. i use to hateeee it when i was younger. but now i am so glad that my parents made us do that. it makes christmas wayyy longer!

while we were opening our secret sister gifts kade got a little bored!

our christmas dinner. so so good.

Christmas Day.


going home was so so great. it was the longest i've been home since i left for college which has been 6 months. so it was a greatttt break. i loved it. i sure do love my family. i had so much fun with them. and i already miss them so much! i had so much fun with kade. we went on bike rides, which was freezing! but it was fun. he loves attacking me and annoying me and i have such a hard time getting mad at him. it's quite a problem. for example he will like slap me or tackle me and i will laugh! and then he thinks its funny when really i'm mad inside! its bad. and i'm working on it. haha but he makes me laugh and i love him to death. hes just a crazy boy. haha but anyways. my christmas break was filled with a lot of sleeping, eating my moms home cooked meals, chilling with my family, hanging out with friends, spending many days and nights with James, going to his basketball games, relaxing, playing Sorry Revenge, watching movies, and much much more. it was a great break.