well Thanksgiving Break was so so good. it was such a good break from school and no homework. it was so great to see all my friends and to hang out with my family all day every day. it was so great to have a day set aside to remember everything you are thankful for. i ate a lot food.. well a lot of food for me. haha i did many many puzzles. and just hung out. it was a great week. i miss my family so much and am excited for Christmas Break to spend more time with them.

got to spend the week with this cute boy. Zander.
it was such a good week and i'm so glad i got to spend it with my family, Alicia and James family, and Lindsay.
Things i'm thankful for:
- MY FAMILY. i dont know where i'd be without them.
- my friends: Shelbie Cleaver, who is seriously my best friend that is always there for me whenever i need someone to talk to. Emily Elliott and Deanna Edwards who i love to death and dont know where i'd be without them. James Livingston, who is my best friend that has helped the transition from high school to college so much easier. and is just so willing to be there for me when i need someone to talk to. Mary LaBarge and Emily Smith who are my only friends here at college. i would hate college without them. Natalie Finch, who is always there for me to talk too. and all my other friends!
- The gospel. and everything else that comes along with it!!! the atonement, my testimony, young womens and now relief society, eternal families, prayer, the temple where i can be sealed to my husband for time and all eternity, ward families, and most of all BYU where i can attend a college with people that have the same standards as me.
- my job. i work at a preschool on campus and it is the best thing ever. i love it and it makes me so happy everyday.
- SPORTS! tennis and soccer.
- kind people that are just nice to you that make your day better.
- my computer and my phone.
- summer. McCall, Idaho. and sunshine.
- warm things. socks, my ugg boots, my blanket, my bed, sweats, and sweaters, scarves and gloves and most of all my coat.
- MILK!! dont know what'd i do without milk.
- food.
- music. Adele, Justin Bieber, and Taylor Swift.
- my hair. a curling iron and my straightener.
- makeup.
- TV shows. new girl, pretty little liars, and the lying game.
- Skype!
- Pictures.
- and much much more.
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