my christmas was so so great this year. we started christmas eve by playing basketball in the morning. that sure was great. we have a whole team so it works out well! then we played games the rest of the day until the schedule of christmas eve started. my mom always plans many fun things to do like playing "SANTA" which is bingo, everyone playing the instruments that they play, singing christmas songs, watching good christmas videos, acting out the nativity, and watching the Luke 2 video (which is so so good), putting glitter on our front porch so that santa comes the next day, putting out stockings out, and then all the kids sleeping in the same room and watching the grinch. christmas eve was so so fun. it was great to spend time with family and remember the birth of jesus.
all of us sleeping together.
putting the glitter out on our front porch.

pretty sweet picture i'd say.

me and kade! sure is a cute boy.
me and claire with our glitter!

acting out the nativity! the whole group.
mary and joseph.
mary and baby jesus

the wise men!
me and deanna!

me and em. haha i look scary.
christmas was so so great this year. we all came down at 6 in the morning to find out that santa had come! yes. haha so we all opened our big gift and our stockings. i got UGG boots. i was sooooo happy!! those are the greatest things everrrr. then it was time to get ready for church. church was so so good. i'm so glad that i got to start my christmas with remembering the true meaning of christmas. we had good singers and some narrators talk about the birth of christ. then after church we had a huge christmas breakfast which was so so good! then after breakfast it was time to open alllll the presents. it was just such a fun day to spend with my family and open presents. i got so many wonderful things and i'm so thankful for my parents who work so hard in getting us the right gifts! i loved everything i got.
in our family we go from youngest to oldest in opening presents. we watch everyone open them and wait for our turn. i use to hateeee it when i was younger. but now i am so glad that my parents made us do that. it makes christmas wayyy longer!
while we were opening our secret sister gifts kade got a little bored!

our christmas dinner. so so good.

Christmas Day.
man i forgot about some of these pictures. like christmas eve. cute. sure was great being home!