Wednesday, April 25, 2012

elder chatman.

my cousin Jordan Chatman left for his mission today! he is the MTC. its so crazyyyy. i cant believe he is old enough for this! were all growing up and its just weird. i am so proud of him for going on a mission. he put the Lord before basketball which he loves and i am just so proud of him! when he gets back he will be playing basketball for BYU and i am so excited for that. he came down to Utah on Sunday so jami and hannah drove down so we could all see him before he left on his mision. and it was so greattttt. we got to see him all day monday before we left that night to go home. i seriously love this kid. he is so funny! and i am always laughing when i'm around him. i cant wait to start writing him and see how his mission is going. 

*sorry for my gross outfit in the rest of the pictures. it was super hot in the house so we changed. haha  


all of us cousins back together. finally! 

1 comment:

  1. fun! thats good you got to see him before he left.
    you all look so pretty.
